Wearing Hats and Headgear After Hair Transplantation

Wearing a simple, loose fitting BALL CAP is perfectly ACCEPTABLE two weeks following any type of hair transplantation (FUT or FUE) procedure.

However, patients who underwent the FUT or strip procedure should use caution wearing a hard hat, motorcycle helmet, or other hard (plastic) head gear that has the potential to rub, catch on sutures, or pull on the donor site wound edges, until approved by your hair surgeon.

At three weeks postoperative time, your implanted grafts are integrated with the scalp and the hair will start to fall out (expected) as the process of re-growth occurs. Pulling out grafts will not happen at this point, however, because scalp sensation could be diminished for many more weeks, I would avoid prolonged (>1 hour) periods of pressure (weight) on the implanted sites due to helmet pads, etc. So, if your headgear leaves a pressure mark (like a football player when their helmet is removed), clear it with your surgeon FIRST!