The Number of Botox Units Needed to Treat Horizontal Forehead Lines?

The number of botox units needed will depend on the degree of forehead line “softening” you prefer and the degree of movement you wish to retain (some movement versus none).

I recommend to start with the crows feet areas and glabella first with conservative placement in your forehead lines. If you treat the forehead in isolation, the likelihood of dropping the eyebrows increases as well as the chance that a noticeable difference in facial animation will exist between the eyes (where everyone looks when they speak to you) and forehead. That said, the average number of units for the forehead will be in the range of 12 – 30U (less for women and more for men), with most individuals falling somewhere in between.

If you have not had botox treatment before, start low and give your first treatment 2 weeks to take full effect. It is easy to add a few extra units here or there if you decide you would like a little more line softening.

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