How Long Before Botox Results Can Be Seen? How Long Does It Last?

​Botox treats facial lines and wrinkles by weakening the transmission of nerve impulses to the wrinkle-causing facial muscles. This is a gradual process that happens over 2-5 days before a noticeable result is observed. As muscles weaken, you may notice slight asymmetry between the different areas treated (up to two weeks after injection). The eyebrow is usually the most noticeable area of this temporary asymmetry, especially when applying eyeliner/mascara, and the urge to treat this immediately is a natural reaction. However, allowing 2 full weeks (time) to pass is the best solution!

The effects of botox will last until your body regenerates the nerve-muscle synaptic transmission network. This will happen differently in different people with the average time of 3-4 months. Some patients report effects lasting close to 6 months, but this is unusual.

Botox will continue to work after each application unless your body mounts an immune response to the carrier protein and you develop “anti-botox antibodies”. This event would be extremely rare at the doses used for cosmetic treatments (but was a concern at the large doses needed to treat conditions such as cervical dystonia and limb spasticity). Is there need for concern? No, Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA​) was developed for exactly this reason!

Facial Focus Cosmetic Surgery uses all types of neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin) to maximize both the short and long-term effects of each treatment.