Microneedling: What is it used for?


Microneedling 101: What is it used for?
This procedure is most often used to reduce signs of aging on the face, such as fine lines or wrinkles, as well as to smooth the appearance of acne scars.
How Does It Work?
Just as the name implies, microneedling pricks the skin with tiny surgical steel needles. These micro-injuries stimulate the body’s natural healing process, and the renewed production of capillaries, collagen, and elastin produce smoother, plumper-looking skin.
Does It Hurt?
No. Before beginning, clinicians cleanse and then may apply a numbing agent to the procedure area to relieve any potential discomfort.
Who Is A Good Candidate?
Virtually any adult is a good candidate for this procedure. While many other treatments are not recommended for people with certain skin types, microneedling is safe and effective for all skin colors and types because it does not damage the epidermis.
How Long Does It Take?
A SkinPen® microneedling session takes just 30-60 minutes, depending on the type of skin condition and the size of the procedure area. Multiple sessions may be recommended, about 4-6 weeks apart, to achieve optimal results. It’s important to note that everyone’s skin is different, as well as their desired results.
What About Downtime?
Aside from some mild post-procedure pinkness, there is no downtime associated with microneedling when a SkinPen® device is used.
What Does It Cost?
This is something you should discuss with your clinician. Cost depends on several factors, including the condition being treated, the size of the procedure area, and the number of follow-up sessions recommended.
Who Can Perform Microneedling?
SkinPen® is a medical device. This level of microneedling requires a well-trained and experienced clinician, as well as a sterile environment, to assure patient safety and achieve the best possible results.
If you have additional questions about microneedling, it’s best to schedule a personal consultation with your clinician. That way you can discuss in detail the skin problem(s) you want to address as well as your aesthetic goals.